Saturday, April 9, 2011

It is who you know...   If there is one thing I know, a person's true legacy is less about what they did and more about who they loved.  Very few people leave a legacy that stands against the winds of time.  Usually within just a few years or decades, their names and what they accomplished is forgotten.  Someone might see their name on a building and wonder who that person is, but nobody knows.  Generations come and go and what was so certain at the time is no more.  Something new has taken it's place.

In 2005 I began to write my own memoirs.  They were written with a mind for my children to know what passed through my life and made me do the things I did.  'Promises Kept' is a book about an extraordinary journey that God took me through as my wife and I spent our lives adopting 13 children.  It is a witness of the promises that God kept along the way and the lessons I learned from Him. 

For more than 30 years, I have worked in the advertising, journalistic and publishing communities.  I have been asked many many times by journalists if they could write a story about our family.  Our story is a good one full of hope and grief, trust and betrayal, joy and sadness.  For the moment, my story even as I publish this in my blog must remain a private one for the sake of our children.  In fact, perhaps if this story ever is to reach the public, it should be done posthumously.

But I will tell you this.  Just ask me what I have seen God do and what He has done in me, and I will gladly spend the whole evening telling you.

To those who are inclined to mock and consider me a fool for still believing in God, there remains only one answer: do not mock what you do not know.  I am the happy recipient of great and marvelous things.  Just ask me!